Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i never ever stop wondering

Is it just me that gets uneasy with people staring? Surely it's a normal thing, but it's been happening so much more recently, the staring. Not like i'm doing anything extraordinary, nor am i particularly good or bad looking, i think X) but in any case, yea, it actually got me thinking that perhaps these people aren't so much staring, but they happen to be the few people who still make eye contact with strangers. Not only that, but they don't quickly shift their glance and look away when you turn to look at them. And of course, I'm not saying that's a bad thing. Just rare.

I'm a looker-awayer, which is a pity, cos if anything, i always reckoned that amongst the people that i know, i'm one of the ones that would be most willing to, say, give out free hugs to people i don't know. I try to smile at the people walking by, even if they look unfriendly cos hey, what hurt does it do? And i know how naive that sounds, but hey. And just as obvious as people who stare/make eye contact/engage in a smile, are those who are the opposite. I've yet to break down this one guy living on my floor who always just looks down and gives me the side-eye when he passes me. He seems fine with like Rudo and Putu and every other guy living on the floor. Now i sound naive AND paranoid.

Fact of the matter is; I've had too much sugar today and I'm sleepy.

Anyway, been doing some reading on anxiety and that stuff's intersting. Don't ask me about it though, i could make anything sound boring. Ask someone else who's read up on it. But it really does manifest itself in so many different ways in different people.

Malaysians in Australia; it's getting cold, yes? :)

Mando Diao is worth a listen.


shobs said...

indeed, it's getting cold ;s

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